MMB Mentoring Scheme
This Mentoring Scheme aims to foster a healthy academic and scientific culture. This can be achieved through both vertical and peer-to-peer learning amongst the broader Melbourne Mathematical Biology Community, while striving to ensure that everyone within our community can grow through providing collaborative opportunities. Ideally, the mentees will gain confidence, different perspectives, knowledge, and support from the program. Equally, mentors will gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of others within the group, contribute to and promote a healthy academic and scientific culture and further develop their own mentoring skills.
Open to all members of the Melbourne Mathematical Biology Community. Mentors will be assigned to provide additional support for all members of the MMB community. Mentors will be assigned from outside of the line of supervision to provide an alternative perspective.
- Senior career researchers (SCRs) will mentor mid-career researchers (MCRs) and early career researchers (ECRs).
- MCRs and ECRs will mentor PhD Students (and early ECRs).
- PhD Students will mentor MSc Students.
There is no prescribed agenda for the mentoring program, but we have included some ideas for discussion below. Note some suggestions will be more appropriate at certain levels.
Career planning, advice on job hunting and job applications, support writing grants and work-life balance.
Technical writing for theses and papers, presenting research, networking, time management and applying for PostDocs.
Technical writing for theses, applying for PhDs and picking a supervisor and study progression.
It is up to each mentor-mentee pair to choose how to meet but we propose meeting at least once or twice a semester. It may be more beneficial to have more frequent shorter meetings; this is up to the mentor/mentee to decide. It is the responsibility of both the mentee and mentor to arrange a meeting.
It is up to each mentor-mentee pair to decide what works for them, but we recommend meeting outside the office, for example over a coffee, to facilitate discussion.
How to get involved?
If you would like to be involved, please complete this form.
Further Questions:
If you have any questions about the Mentoring Scheme you can ask them in the MMB Mentoring Slack Channel or you can email jmosborne@unimelb.edu.au.