Category: Biological fluid dynamics

  1. Rodney Dharma

    Rodney is a PhD student at the University of Melbourne’s School of Mathematics and Statistics working under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley. His research centres around using analytical and numerical methods to model microbial motility, chemotaxis, symbiosis, and porous-type flows.

  2. Xinyi Yang 

    Xinyi Yang is a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley. Her research focuses on modelling the navigation and collective motion of microswimmers under the influence of fluid flows, external fields, and confinement.

  3. Biological fluid dynamics

    Explains the mechanisms of fluid flow in biological systems and their interrelationship with physiological processes.

  4. Jessica Crawshaw

    Jessica was a PhD student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, working with A/Prof James Osborne and Prof Jennifer Flegg. During her PhD, Jessica developed a coupled fluid-structure-growth model of vascular regression to study the role of the local blood flow on cellular migration and capillary wall mechanics during […]

  5. Siluvai Antony Selvan

    Antony is a Joint Ph.D. student between the University of Melbourne (School of Mathematics and Statistics) and the University of Manchester (Department of Mathematics and Statistics), working under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley, Prof. Linda Blackall, Prof. Peter Duck and Dr. Draga Pihler-Puzovic. His current work is on the Microscale fluid dynamics around coral […]

  6. Douglas Brumley

    Dr. Douglas Brumley is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics and leads an interdisciplinary research group at the interface of mathematics, biophysics and microbial Ecology. The Brumley lab utilises mathematics, microfluidics and microscopy to study a range of dynamic processes in biology including bacterial motility, symbioses, nutrient cycling and flows around coral reefs. Email: […]

  7. Stuart Johnston

    Dr Stuart Johnston is a DECRA Research Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Melbourne. Stuart graduated with a Bachelor of Mathematics (Hons) from the Queensland University of Technology. In 2017, he completed a PhD in Mathematical Biology at the Queensland University of Technology, focused on mathematical models of collective […]