Category: People
Jessica Crawshaw
Jessica was a PhD student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, working with A/Prof James Osborne and Prof Jennifer Flegg. During her PhD, Jessica developed a coupled fluid-structure-growth model of vascular regression to study the role of the local blood flow on cellular migration and capillary wall mechanics during […]
Ke Li
Ke Li was a PhD student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, working with the Prof James McCaw and Dr Pengxing Cao. His work was on the development of within-host dynamical models to understand essential interactions between influenza virus and immune responses. Ke is currently a postdoctoral fellow at […]
Mahdieh Mahdavi
Mahdieh was a past student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of A/Prof James Osborne and Prof Jennifer Flegg. Her research focused on using cell-based mathematical modelling to understand the mechanics of the colonic
Md Nurul Anwar
Dr Md Nurul Anwar is a research fellow in malaria modelling in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. He is a former PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Jennifer Flegg, Prof. James McCaw, A/Prof. Roslyn Hickson and A/Prof. Jack Richards. His PhD work focussed on malaria modelling, specially Plasmodium Vivax dynamics. Email:
Punya Alahakoon
Punya was a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Prof. James McCaw and Prof. Peter Taylor. Her research focused on using mathematics and statistics to understand the extinction of infectious diseases. Punya is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of New South […]
Phillip Brown
Phillip Brown was a PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide, supervised by Dr Ed Green, A/Prof Ben Binder (both UofA) and A/Prof James Osborne. His work focused on cell-based modelling of buckling epithelial tissues, with particular application to the colonic crypt. He was working on a new modelling approach that has a wide range […]
Siluvai Antony Selvan
Antony is a Joint Ph.D. student between the University of Melbourne (School of Mathematics and Statistics) and the University of Manchester (Department of Mathematics and Statistics), working under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley, Prof. Linda Blackall, Prof. Peter Duck and Dr. Draga Pihler-Puzovic. His current work is on the Microscale fluid dynamics around coral […]
Sarah Belet
Sarah Belet was a MPhil student in the School of Mathematics, Monash University, and was supervised by A/Prof Jonathan Keith and Prof Jennifer Flegg. Her research looked at the spread of the bacteria Wolbachia within mosquito population as a means to suppress the spread of dengue
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams is a Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Mathematical Analysis of Cellular Systems (MACSYS). Thomas completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2024, under the supervision of A/Prof James Osborne and Prof James McCaw. His research made use of agent-based modelling to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of […]
Barry Hughes
Barry was a professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, after retiring in 2021. He has broad interests in applied mathematics and mathematical biology. Webpage:
Number of posts found: 42