Category: Student

  1. Rodney Dharma

    Rodney is a PhD student at the University of Melbourne’s School of Mathematics and Statistics working under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley. His research centres around using analytical and numerical methods to model microbial motility, chemotaxis, symbiosis, and porous-type flows.

  2. Ruarai Tobin

    Ruarai is a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Dr Freya Shearer and Prof James McCaw. They are interested in understanding the effect of immunity on the population-scale dynamics of respiratory infectious diseases. Their previous work includes the development of methodologies for forecasting […]

  3. Xinyi Yang 

    Xinyi Yang is a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley. Her research focuses on modelling the navigation and collective motion of microswimmers under the influence of fluid flows, external fields, and confinement.

  4. Elizabeth Ivory

    Elizabeth is a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics under the supervision of Prof Jennifer Flegg, Dr Camelia Walker, Dr Angela Devine and Dr Rebecca Chisholm. Her work is centred on modelling malaria transmission and treatment at the population level, particularly with regards to the parasite plasmodium vivax and multi-species models with plasmodium falciparum.   […]

  5. Kartik Kamboj

    Kartik is an MPhil student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, pursuing research under the supervision of Prof. James McCaw and Prof. Jennifer Flegg. His research involves working with Bayesian Hierarchical models for stochastic epidemics.

  6. Xiao Sun

    Xiao Sun is a PhD student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Prof. James McCaw and Dr Pengxing Cao. His current work is on the stochastic modelling of within-host dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum to study extinction probability and transmission.

  7. Isobel Abell

    Isobel is a PhD student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Dr Christopher Baker, Prof James McCaw, Prof Jennifer Flegg and Dr Thao Le. Her work focuses on using infectious disease modelling in a decision-making context.

  8. Yang Yue

    Yang is a PhD student at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, working under the supervision of Dr Freya Shearer, Dr David Price and Prof James McCaw. His research focuses on exploring the feasibility of epidemic control within a stochastic model framework by accounting for resource constraints, delays in the […]

  9. Maame Akua Korsah

    Maame Akua Korsah is a Phd Student in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne working under the supervision of Prof. Jennifer Flegg, Dr. Stuart Johnston and Dr. James Walker (and also Dr. Kathryn Tiedje from MDHS). Akua’s work focuses on developing mathematical models to understand the transmission dynamics of Malaria. […]

  10. Siluvai Antony Selvan

    Antony is a Joint Ph.D. student between the University of Melbourne (School of Mathematics and Statistics) and the University of Manchester (Department of Mathematics and Statistics), working under the supervision of Dr. Douglas Brumley, Prof. Linda Blackall, Prof. Peter Duck and Dr. Draga Pihler-Puzovic. His current work is on the Microscale fluid dynamics around coral […]