Category: Multicellular biology
Douglas Brumley
Dr. Douglas Brumley is an Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics and leads an interdisciplinary research group at the interface of mathematics, biophysics and microbial ecology. The Brumley lab utilises mathematics, microfluidics and microscopy to study a range of dynamic processes in biology including bacterial motility, symbioses, nutrient cycling and flows around coral reefs. Email:
James Osborne
James is an Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne. His work is at the interface between applied mathematics, scientific computing and biology: he uses mathematical and scientific computing techniques to develop reliable, robust and efficient simulations of multiscale biological and physiological phenomena. James has […]
Michael Stumpf
Professor Michael Stumpf holds the Chair in Theoretical Systems Biology in the School of BioSciences and in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Michael’s work deals with the development of mathematical and statistical methods to infer the structure of mathematical models from data. His biological interest concerns cellular decision making processes, e.g. how does a […]
Pengxing Cao
Pengxing Cao is a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne. He obtained his PhD in mathematics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2014. His PhD thesis looked at mathematical modelling of calcium oscillations in airway smooth muscle cells. Then he moved to Melbourne to work […]
Number of posts found: 14